Meet Dr Lakshmi Venkateswaran
Dr Venkateswaran is an Australian trained specialist Geriatrician and physician. She did her basic medical degree at Sydney University. She graduated in 1998 after which, she worked for several years to gain experience in multiple medical specialties across several different major teaching hospitals in Sydney. She then began her basic physician training at Liverpool Hospital and Prince of Wales hospital in the year 2000. She began advanced training in Geriatrics in 2005 at Concord hospital. In 2007, she was awarded fellowship of the Royal Australasian college of physicians (RACP). Subsequently, she undertook training in Medical Oncology at Westmead hospital until the end of 2008. She became a consultant Geriatrician at Westmead hospital in 2009 and has been in that role till the present day, now having advanced to the role of a senior staff specialist.
She has extensive experience in Geriatrics and has immense passion in the practice of general medicine. She has expertise in the management of conditions that commonly afflict older persons such as falls, multimorbidity, memory decline, gait imbalance, polypharmacy, stroke, and frailty. As part of her commitment to improving research in memory disorders, she participates in the Australian Dementia Network (ADNeT) Registry.